Welcome To Department Of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Welcome To Department Of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Welcome To Department Of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Welcome To Department Of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Welcome To Department Of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Head Message

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at BGIFT Institute of Science & Technology (BIST). Computer Science is an exciting, challenging and dynamic discipline which is now widely recognized as an essential source of tools and techniques for advancements in nearly all spheres of human endeavor.
The Department of CSE started its journey in 2022 by offering B.Sc. Engg. in CSE. Currently, the Department has a total of 10 skilled full-time faculty members. The Department facilities include state-of-the-art classrooms and lab facilities. We have two outstanding computer programming labs with latest configuration computers and equipment, one dedicated lab for final year student’s project or thesis work, one digital lab.
Our CSE at BIST is a research-oriented, student-centered Department. Some of the driving principles and goals of our Department are embodied in our mission and vision statements. As a student in the Department, you will be exposed to high-quality inspirational teaching and learning. Teaching and learning are informed by industrial needs and practical industrial training is a mandatory course in undergraduate study. You will be provided with opportunities to work on real problems provided by the industry, to be taught by IT professionals and to visit business environments that develop and employ information and communication technologies.
Department provides opportunities to students to enhance their experiences and to develop personally through extracurricular activities.
I invite you to visit the rest of our website to find information about our programs, our students’ achievements and activities, our research groups and research activities, and I hope that prospective students will be encouraged to join our Computer Science and Engineering Department.
Yours Sincerely,
Shabnom Mustary
Head Of
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
BGIFT Institute of Science & Technology (BGIFT)